Qblue Global Sustainable Leaders Fund

Qblue Global Sustainable Leaders Fund

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18 October 2024
SFDR classification
Article 9
Global Large-Cap Blend Equity
Investment Style
Large Core
Fund Size


The investment objective of the Fund is to provide long-term capital growth, investing globally in companies that the Fund’s Sub-Investment Manager believes contribute positively to social and environmental factors. The Fund’s Sub-Investment Manager, Qblue Balanced A/S, is a boutique investment firm located in Copenhagen, Denmark which was founded in 2018 by financial services veteran, Bjarne Graven Larsen, former CIO at ATP and Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (OTPP).

The Fund uses a systematic investment and data driven approach to identify companies that have come the furthest in the field of sustainability in every industry and region worldwide. The Sub Investment Manager’s in-house proprietary investment framework, The Sustainability Cube™, systematically builds a portfolio of companies located around the world that have been identified as sustainability leaders in their respective field. In line with the Fund’s sustainable objective, the ESG characteristics of the portfolio seeks outperformance in the overall ESG Industry Leadership Score, Climate Transition Score, UN SDG Score, in addition to a significant reduction in the weighted average Carbon intensity.

Meet the Manager: Bjarne Graven Larsen | Qblue Global Sustainable Leaders Fund

We are delighted to share with you our latest video featuring financial services veteran, Bjarne Graven Larsen, former CIO at ATP and Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (OTPP) and the current CEO and founder of Qblue Balanced A/S. Qblue was founded on a distinct idea and philosophy, ‘to help investors achieve their investment objectives by providing sustainable solutions to obtain more diversified, more robust portfolio construction designs’. In this video, Bjarne shares his journey to today, how he got into investing and what inspired him to set up Qblue, the sub-investment manager of Heptagon's Article 9 fund - the Qblue Global Sustainable Leaders Fund.

Key stats

The below shows the information for the share class selected in the drop down box directly below the name of the fund. You can use the drop down box to view information relating to other share classes listed in the fund. A full list of all currency share classes is available on request.

Investment Team LocationCopenhagen, Denmark
Active/PassiveActive with reference to a benchmark
BenchmarkMSCI World NR USD
Fund SizeUSD679m
Fund Launch12 January 2022
Fund StatusOpen to all investors
Share Class Launch12 January 2022
Share Class StatusOpen to existing investors
Fund CurrencyUSD
Share Class CCYUSD
Management Fee0.6%
Min. InvestmentUSD1,000,000
Fund TypeUCITS
AdministratorBBH Fund Administration Services (Ireland) Ltd
DepositaryBBH Trustee Services (Ireland) Ltd
AuditorGrant Thornton
Dealing FrequencyDaily
Risk Management
Lower RiskHigher Risk



Past performance is no guide to future performance and the value of investment and income from them can fall as well as rise.

Qblue Global Sustainable Leaders Fund Q2 2024 Webcast

Top Ten Holdings

As of 30 September 2024
NameSectorWeight %
1Hewlett Packard Enterprise CoInformation Technology5.6
2International Business Machines CorpInformation Technology5.3
3NVIDIA CorpInformation Technology5.2
4Adobe IncInformation Technology4.3
5Gilead Sciences IncHealth Care4.1
6Visa Inc Class AFinancials3.5
7Automatic Data Processing IncIndustrials3.3
8ServiceNow IncInformation Technology2.8
9Autodesk IncInformation Technology2.4
10BorgWarner IncConsumer Discretionary2.2

Exposure Breakdowns

As of 30 September 2024
TypeFund %Benchmark %
Communication Services4.57.5
Consumer Discretionary7.610.3
Consumer Staples4.96.5
Health Care11.911.7
Information Technology31.724.8
Real Estate2.62.3

Fund Manager

Lars Voss Toft

Senior Portfolio Manager

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Thomas Stryger Olsen

Senior Portfolio Manager

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Martin Richter

Senior Portfolio Manager

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Lars Hougaard Nielsen

Senior Portfolio Manager

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Representative and Paying Agent in Switzerland is Société Générale, Paris, Zurich branch, Talacker 50, PO Box 1928, 8021 Zurich, Switzerland. The prospectus, the key investor information document, the Articles and the annual and semi-annual reports are available free of charge from the Swiss representative.

The results given herein are based solely upon historical fund performance as gathered and supplied by Morningstar. That past performance has not been independently verified by either Heptagon Capital Limited or Heptagon Capital LLP. It is not intended to predict or depict the future performance of any investment. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future returns.

The information contained herein is provided for informational purposes only, is not complete, and does not contain certain material information about the funds, including important disclosures and risk factors associated with an investment in the funds. Before making an investment in any fund, prospective investors are advised to thoroughly and carefully review the fund’s private placement memorandum with their financial, legal and tax advisors to determine whether an investment is suitable for them. An investment in these funds is not suitable for all investors.

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